Suzy Q's Knitting Life

On the Needles (as they say)


An Accomplishment!

Well, I didn't do the full 2 1/2 inches either time I was supposed to, and the 1 1/2 inches turned into 3/4 inch (I was terrified I was going to run out of yarn which of course I didn't.) And it came out much too large so I ran a thread through the back doubled up (it has an odd teardrop shape now, not very beret-like).

But it's done.

I have a finished object! And it fits!

Gotta move now, kids need strawberry and chocolate milk before I head off to work (Say-Say and Bobo respectively).



So the cinched waist top has hit a snag, literally. As I was unraveling the sewing thread used to sew up the bad side, it turns out at least a small part of the time I was actually unraveling stitches. I haven't had the heart to look at it in detail since then.

Until I feel up to correcting my mistake, I'm working on one of my unfinished projects. I will finish it before I attempt anything else despite the fact that it's a beret made from "Wool-Ease" much better suited for winter. I want to finish something already!


All Sewn Up (almost)

Well, I had the thing almost completely sewn up when I luckily had the bright idea of trying it on before I finished up the last side (the side in the picture with the last bit of yarn trailing off). Yuch. The side I did sew up is too bulky, the top didn't gather well to the waistband, and I made the unfortunate mistake of deciding to go with the "medium" (just in case) resulting in an overly big neckline that shows off my attractive bra straps.

Ah twell.

But I shall not be defeated. I am attending my brother-in-law's birthday party tonight and will tackle the resewing when I get back, late hour be damned.

My next project will be smaller and quicker (and therefore more gratifying.)