Suzy Q's Knitting Life

On the Needles (as they say)


Progress has been made

I called in sick to work today. It wasn't me or the kids. When my alarm went off at 7, G- told me he'd been up all night with a toothache and asked me to call in sick. So I've been at home all day with two fighting biting younguns. He did go to the dentist; it's an abcess, and he needs a root canal.
Ah twell.
On the plus side, it gave me the opportunity to make some progress, however slight, on my cinched waist top. The upper back is done, and the first sleeve is done. I can probably have the upper front done tonight. The last bit is the last sleeve and putting it all together; that's going to be the time consuming part. I took a picture of the progress so far, as well as the magazine picture. If G- feels up to it later, maybe I can get it in this post.
Has anybody watched "Knitty Gritty" on the DIY network? I've read posts where people just can't stand the host (whose name I've completely forgotten), but she's come to grow on me. If you have a half hour free, check it out. Today they were showing how to knit criss-cross stitches into a scarf. Absolutely fascinating. I'm just itching to try it, but I've such a wish list of stuff to do now, that really needs to fall to the end.


Ruffle almost done

It really seems like I never knit or when I do that it's so few and far between that this whole blog thing doesn't even seem necessary. Au contraire! I got another row done on my ruffle (the thing's 280 stitches long for crying out loud) while in the waiting room of my son's speech therapist's office (see entry dated 7-25-06 Suzy Q's Life). I'm almost there. I've also decided I really need to add a "completed project" list so that everyone can see I really do try and get these things done. My downfall is that I see such great patterns, and I desperately want to create create create. My fingers just don't move that fast (on needles anyway : )) I'm going to get the last row done tonight so I can start on the back at lunch tomorrow (if I'm not in my office with the door shut and the "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" soundtrack playing full blast while I blog). Wish me luck!


I Swear I Have Completed Projects

I haven't done much knitting today. I got a couple more rows done on the cinched waist top's ruffle so now I'm down to 2 rows left before I start the body. The majority of today has been spent creating these blogs and writing down my project list. Hence this post's title. It looks like I never finish anything. Looks like that to me anyway. So I'm adding to the project list, and then I might add a wish list; I wish I had time to do it all.

For Knitting Only

I've set up this page for just the knitting issues. Have you ever visited a blog to see patterns and projects just to get bogged down in what Boo Boo the cat was doing today? Well, I've got a page for that too if you like reading about my personal life (Suzy Q's Life), but I've decided this will just be about my projects, the ones in the project basket as well as the ones I've got waiting in the to-do binder. I'll post pictures as I work on them and maybe post some things I've already completed as well.
Keep checking back.